On Bengali nicknames - degrading
In this post I will attempt to alert people to a great injustice that is being perpetrated upon the sons of Bengal. So you thought they were wimpy to begin with. Far from it, my friend. Their current state is a result of years of conditioning by the oppressors - namely the women. By using a variety of psychological weapons, they have reduced these fine men to what you see today.
Today we focus on the first weapon in their hands - the nickname.
When a son is born into a Bengali household, he is gifted with a resonant, sonorous name. Bengali names are wonderful things. They convey majesty and power. A man with a name like Prasenjit, Arunabha or Sukanta is a man who will walk with his head held high, knowing that the world expects great deeds from him, which was why they bestowed the title that is his name upon him.
But it simply will not do for these men to get ahead of themselves. Their swelling confidence needs to be shattered. How can one go about it? This task is left to the mothers of these lads and is accomplished by the simple act of referring to the boy, not by his fine-sounding real name, but by a nickname which Shakti Kapoor would be ashamed to answer to. Their are some rules for creating nicknames, which need to be followed. They are -
1) Nicknames must have no connection to the real name. Arunabha cannot be called Arun. No, for that would be logical, and such things are anathema in the world of women. Instead he shall be called Bhombol. If possible, the nickname and real name must have no letters in common, but an ancient alphabet proves to be the constraining factor there.
2) Nicknames must be humiliating. If you are a tall strapping boy, with a flair for soccer, an easy charm and an endearing personality, then you shall be nicknamed - Bhondu. And every time, you have set your sights on a girl, and are on the verge of having the aforementioned lass eat out of your hand - your mother will arrive and pronounce loudly - "Bhondu, chalo". The ensuing sea of giggles will drown out whatever confidence you had earned from that last winning free-kick.
3) A nickname must refer in some way to a suitably embaressing incident in your childhood that you would give your arm and leg to forget. If it took you a little too long to shed your baby fat, then years of gymming will not rid you of the nomenclature - Motka. If your face turned crimson when you cried as a toddler, you will be called Laltu. When you turn 40, your friends' children will call you Laltu Uncle. Even age will not earn you the right to be taken seriously thereafter.
4) Different members of the family will make up different nicknames - each more embaressing than the preceding one. If one member of the family calls you Piklu, then another will call you Mitul, and another will call you Jumbo. The humiliation multiplies.
5) You will always be introduced by your nickname until people forget you had a real name. Ranajoy might have taken on a gang of armed men single-handedly, but Toton really didn't have a chance. After a point Toton will completely take over the beaten body of Ranajoy,
weighed down by the pressure of a thousand taunts.
This strategy is surprisingly effective. Ask yourself - would you take Professor Rintu seriously? Or put much weight by the opinion of Dr. Bubai? Or march into battle under the command of General Thobla?
The power of the nickname has scarred the psyche of Bengali men everywhere. It follows them like a monkey on their backs. That too, a monkey with a flair for slapstick, that was gifted to them by their own mothers.
brilliant. ur right - these naming systems are strange. i had a friend in school called runa and her pet name was baishakhi ... which is so much longer a word!
I don't have a nickname (at home).
Oh come on... be original or at least give credit where due. This is a common email fwd, not your writing.
HAHAHAHA!!! I really enjoyed your post. I have always been a good student and now I'm in college in the States, but still I am subject to being called Handa, Pocha and Guju each time people speak to me.
Good fun bob! It's the sad misfortune of the bongs to be burdened with a sad pet-name...do i know that!
haha...excellent....how true
...to add to the repertoire...takes me great effort to reveal this, my names Ronojoy n till sometime bk I used to be called Rontypoo at home...so there u go!!
apparantly Lazy Coward Bhookay Bangaalis dont have naything else to do then to keep names like
Thobla , motka, tia, tuntuni,
why dont have girls name like
Bobla, chutia, ghandi
and men name like
chila lauda
oh! i hv always been fantasized by Bengali names..as my best friend since childhood..read pucchi..comes from bengal! my name is milkie :O
If only these bloody commmunist Bangalis have worked in their lives they would have been in better shape by now. rather living like Pigs in Bangaal
Bangal is a big pig sty , and bongas are so expert in making a pathetic beggar face
Bhookay Bangaali
Even girls have embarassing nick names....mine is Tui. My friends ask me what is it supposed to mean...n y on the earth wud sum1 name choose Tui as a nick name :D
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QuickBooks Enterprise is one of the most known versions of world- famous accounting software, QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number. This software has all the factors that are taken care of to run a business. This software comes with a number of industry versions.
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The sales receipt is a document that acknowledges that the vendor happens to be paid for the services. The sales receipt is obviously issued by the seller for buyers. If you are not able to create a sales receipt in your QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number then let our technical experts show you.
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The probabilities are that this issue arises because the print head has been clogged by dried ink, or this hasn’t been cleaned up for many years. Hence, to solve HP Inkjet Printer Support Number print head problems,
QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number and Payroll for Desktop may be the two major versions and they're further bifurcated into sub versions. Enhanced Payroll and Full-service payroll are encompassed in Online Payroll whereas Basic, Enhanced and Assisted Payroll come under Payroll for Desktop.
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Even when you are feeling that enough time is odd to call for help, just pick up your phone and dial us at QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number because we offer our support services 24*7.
We've been here to improve your understanding with regards to the payroll updates happens in QuickBooks Enterprise, desktop, pro, premier 2019 versions. Solve your queries related to QuickBooks Online Payroll whether Enhanced or Full Service. Fix all of the issues for QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Basic, Standard, & Payroll Assisted. Check out the aforementioned number to get hold of our ProAdvisor to possess support for QQuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number.
QuickBooks Tech Support Number is provided by technicians that are trained from time to time to meet with any kind of queries related to integrating QuickBooks Premier with Microsoft Office related software.
We now have enrolled the most notable QuickBooks Experts who are ensured by Intuit and have significant lots of inclusion in QuickBooks Tech Support Department . Utilize the QuickBooks Tech Support Number and not slow down out with an error on the screen again.
The error comes while you're in the exact middle of trying to find something online and the thing is that banking error 9999. The error could cause the device to hang, run slowly or even are amiss. Also when the accounting professionals are making an effort to update the lender information, they are able to get entangled using this error. If you would like to learn how to Resolve Quickbooks Error 9999 yourself, you can continue reading this blog.
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